Hornung Elementary School Science Fair
Register to participate.
All young scientists wishing to display a project at the fair must register in advance through this online form. We strongly encourage early registration in order to reserve your space and your project board. Final registration deadline is April 19.
Projects should be student driven.
Project ideas should come from the students, and the project should be driven by them. Parents should use their best judgment in deciding when to get involved, such as when there is a potential safety issue. For especially young kids, parents may provide some guidance, but it is important that the kids be able to call the project their own.
Working with someone else.
You may work on your project independently, or you may optionally work with a partner who is also a student at Hornung Elementary School, for example, a classmate or a sibling. You can also do a project involving your whole class!
Need help choosing a topic?
When it comes to choosing a topic, the sky is the limit! What have you wondered about? The best topics come from your own genuine curiosity about how something works, or why something is the way that it is. But if you have trouble thinking of something on your own, the internet is full of resources to help you choose a topic.
Judging and awards.
Our science fair is non-competitive, as our goal is simply to encourage scientific exploration and discovery and promote a deep lifelong passion for science. Each participant will have an opportunity to briefly present their project to their class, and they will each receive a ribbon and a certificate.
Volunteers needed!
A big event like the science fair wouldn't be possible without the help of numerous volunteers. We have all kinds of different jobs to be done, so if think you can spare an hour or two on the day of the fair, we would love your help. Please contact Nicole Cullers at cullersnicole@gmail.com and sign up now!
Project Drop Off and Pick Up
We will accept projects on Monday, April 24th from 7:30am until 9:05am. All projects must be picked up at the end of the day, 3:57pm until 6:00pm. Projects may not be transported on the busses.
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